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Can you reset my mac
Recover your mac without password

A friend got himself a second-hand iMac but couldn’t log in because he didn’t have the Apple Account credentials.

Me with computer science degree as Jessica Jones and relative looking at me to fix their computer as Killgrave meme

1 Dec 2024

Database Auditing with EntityFramework and SQL Server
Keep track of what's happening

Keeping track of database changes in SQL Server with EntityFramework, let’s go over your options with sample implementations.

All code with some UnitTests can be found at the Github repository.

26 Oct 2024
tutorial sql

QA TechEvent: SQL Training
Gamification - our internal SQL competition

This month our QA TechEvent was “SQL Training”. Goal was to score most points by solving more and more complex SQL exercises against three datasets: countries of the world, teachers + departments (postgres) and the football worldcups (sql server).

Which country scored the most owngoals? Read on to find out!

Special SQL Skillset Taken meme

3 Oct 2024
sql product fun

Git Hooks with Husky v9
Avoid pushing changes that break the build with githooks and Husky.

typicode/husky : Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof!

8 Sep 2024

KISS and Decorators
Decorators: a powerful and often misused design pattern

I picked up a UserStory to make a small adjustment.

The story was simple enough as was the required change but… Looking at the code, how was it supposed to work? It looked like it just.. Shouldn’t…

Took some time but I found out, the behavior of the software was defined in the IOC registration, at startup, with Autofac.

3 Sep 2024

Frontend Track Setup
Setup your machine for the itenium Frontend Track

Q: How do you install Node?
A: Well, you don’t!

You install NVM (Node Version Manager) because every project uses a different versions and they are not always that compatible!

31 Aug 2024
tutorial windows testing debugging

Docker + Mongo: a guide
Load data with js or sh

How to load some initial data after spinning up a mongo with Docker.

If you want to follow the examples:

git clone
cd Docker-Mongo
docker compose up -d --build

# After fiddling, force re-creating the mongos:
docker compose down -v
docker compose up -d --build
18 Aug 2024
synology mongo

Git Pull Request Hygiene

It seems that pretty much everyone is using some sort of UI for their git interactions.

Which is obviously fine, until they are about to create a commit, in which case it’s using the “add all changes”-button and commit.

Good PR hygiene starts with keeping your commits small and focused: check your changes and exclude everything that is not part of the UserStory per se.

That’s why I advocate the use of git add --patch which gives you fine-grained control of exactly what you’re going to commit!

8 Jun 2024
git war-story