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Bootcamp: 3D Modelling
A little internal 'best screenshot' competition!

For our bootcamp this year, Tom Pauwaert introduced us to the Unreal Engine. We started from the course materials of Emiel Sleegers to build a landscape inspired by the grandeur of ancient Rome and Greece.

25 Mar 2024

Security Bootcamp Prep
Start our game of capture the flag with an edge

The next iteration of the itenium Security Bootcamp is at the Michigan Technology Conference 2024. Its vulnerable applications will be running for the duration of the conference: exploit the vulnerabilities (hack!?) and submit captured flags in the Portal website.

Here is how those that will participate can prepare themselves.

If the term SQL Injection does not ring a bell, you may want to start by reading up on that and other vulnerabilities such as: XSS, CSRF, OWASP, …

16 Mar 2024
tutorial hacking

.NET Testing Frameworks
Comparing NUnit, xUnit and MSTest

Comparing .NET Testing Frameworks.

xunit/xunit : Community-focused unit testing tool

nunit/nunit : NUnit Framework

microsoft/testfx : MSTest framework and adapter

13 Mar 2024
testing cheat-sheet

Angular 17 - What's new?
Not just a rebranding!

Angular 17 has landed with a rebranding, and an a new documentation home which now also offers an interactive learning experience, but what else is new?

There are a plethora of improvements such as:

  • hydration graduated from developer preview
  • standalone APIs is now the default
  • new @angular/ssr package
  • improved SSR functionality
  • the Signals API is mostly out of developer preview (effect() remains in it)
  • new afterRender and afterNextRender lifecycle hooks
  • Vite & esbuild are now the default for new projects
  • experimental view transition support
  • automatic preconnect in the image directive
  • defer loading of the animations module
  • style and styleUrls as strings
16 Feb 2024

Book review: Tidy first?
Cute, fuzzy little refactorings that nobody could possibly hate on

Kent Beck, who certainly isn’t an unknown name in the software development world recently published this book, which is based upon his newsletter with the same name.

Price: €39.99 for the eBook
Publication date: October 2023
Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Pages: 99
ISBN: 9781098151249

24 Dec 2023

European Women in Tech 2023
Beyond Algorithms: Explainable AI

(And of course, this blog is written with the help of AI)

In the ever-evolving world of technology, the European Women in Tech in Amsterdam shed light on some crucial insights and perspectives. From the wise words of Elisabeth Theophille, who emphasized the importance of embracing change and enjoying the journey, to the valuable lessons learned from industry leaders like Heineken, Ikea, and ING, the event provided a unique opportunity to explore the complexities of digital transformation and AI.

This blog post delves into the key takeaways from the event, highlighting the importance of responsible AI, organizational transformation, the role of data-driven decision-making, and Ikea’s contribution to the realm of Explainable AI.

19 Oct 2023
war-story tech-talk

React Component Profiling
Extensive guide on React performance optimalization in a real-world application

Serious rendering performance troubles in confac, our internal React invoicing app. It reads the entire database in memory 😲 and works pretty much exclusively on the frontend with the Redux store, so it’s not the db that is the performance bottleneck for once 😜

Worst case scenario on the /monthly-invoicing page is a whopping 10s wait time for a single screen to become responsive. Not good.

6 Oct 2023
react war-story

Build your own MacroPad
Michiel's latest hands-on workshop

Last Thursday we built our own MacroPad at itenium. During this session the focus was on learning to solder and putting everything together, all under the supervising eye of Michiel.

5 Oct 2023
fun tech-talk