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    IT Consultancy

    to strenghten your business

    Agile & Scrum

    Full stack developers

    Architecture & Coaching

  • kenburns1


    Awesome projects

    Continuous learning

    Exciting team events

  • kenburns1

    we create amazing software

    Real communication gets the right product built

    Real knowledge gets the product built right


who we are

We are a team of passionate, highly motivated and dedicated IT consultants
with a strong focus on improving ourselves while loving what we do.

Our People

The core of our business. We like them to be happy and well-trained


Interesting projects in .NET, Java, Javascript, Angular, React, ..


A strong focus on quality, professionalism and dedication


Technical sessions, bootcamps and team events

our services

Whether you need a mobile app, a responsive website or a desktop application, we've got you covered.

Public Speaking

Introducing new technologies

or deepen knowledge of existing ones

Greenfield development

Custom project setup

Exactly what you need. Nothing less, nothing more.

Brownfield development

We help you escape the software tar pit

Continuous integration, performance tuning

Attention to detail

Clean, consistent, concise code

Linting, testing, asserting, documentation

A real definition of done

Automated tests and manual verification

Robust, qualitative, maintainable

Cloud services

Microservices, serverless architecture

We're hiring. Check out our vacancies for more information.


Our share to the community

Jun 8, 2024  

Git Pull Request Hygiene

Think about the reviewer: keep your PR as small as possible and avoid PR comments that you would have catched yourself easily by just quickly glancing over your changes.

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Jun 1, 2024  

Synology Setup

You've finally gotten around buying yourself a NAS, more specifically, a Synology NAS (yaye!).
This setup guide should get you up and running in no time -- aimed at those with a Windows background that are not afraid of a little CLI 😃

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Mar 25, 2024  

Bootcamp: 3D Modelling

This year's itenium bootcamp was all about creating the most awesome landscape in the Unreal Engine.

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