JavaScript Testing: Jasmine customization

JavaScript Testing: Jasmine customization

posted in javascript on  •  • last updated on

Make your Jasmine experience even more luscious with custom matchers and global convenience methods.
Mock global variables in your modules with jasmine.getGlobal().pi = 3.14.

Custom equality testers

If custom equality testers are provided, they will be checked first before the default equality logic when calling toEqual().

beforeEach(function() {
  const myCustomEquality = function(first, second) {
    if (first === 'everything' && typeof second === 'number') {
      // return true or false as final result of .toEqual()
      return second === 42;
    // return undefined to let the next equality tester give it a shot
    return undefined;


it('should use myCustomEquality', function() {

it('should not use myCustomEquality', function() {

Custom matchers

beforeEach(function() {
  const customMatchers = {
    toBeDivisibleBy: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
      return {
        compare: function(actual, expected) {
          var result = {pass: (actual % expected) === 0};
          if (!result.pass) {
            // failure message
            result.message = `${actual} is not divisible by ${expected} (mod: ${actual % expected})`;
          } else {
            // failure message - when .not.toBeDivisibleBy() fails
            // if a negativeCompare function is provided, this message will never be displayed
            result.message = `${actual} is divisible by ${expected} (mod: ${actual % expected})`;
          return result;
        // Optional function when you need more control for the .not case
        //negativeCompare: function(actual, expected) {}


it('is divisible by 2', function() {
  // The parameter names of the compare function
  const actual = 14;
  const expected = 2;

The customMatcher functions parameters are util and customEqualityTesters, the latter is passed to utils functions.

const util = {
  equals: function(a, b, customEqualityTesters, diffBuilder),
  contains: function(haystack, needle, customEqualityTesters),

Environment and globals

Files included in the jasmine.json “helpers” wildcard(s) can provide convenience functions, global variables as well as custom equality testers and matchers.


beforeEach(function() {
  // Custom equality testers and matchers
  const myExternalCustomEquality = function(first, second) {
    if (first === 'wuuk' && typeof second === 'number') {
      return second === 42;


  // Convenience fuctions, available in it, beforeEach, etc
  this.yourHelper = function() {
    return 'as defined';

  // Mock global variables in required modules
  jasmine.getGlobal().t = t => t;

Some suite:

describe('Convenience stuff loaded by spec/helpers/helpers.js', function() {
  it('should use myExternalCustomEquality', function() {

  it('can provide helper functions', function() {
    expect(this.yourHelper()).toBe('as defined');

  it('can set global variables on jasmine.getGlobal()', function() {
    const globalz = require('./global.js');
    // module.exports = {aGlobalUsingFunction: val => t(val)};
    // jasmine.getGlobal().t = t => t;

Some global Jasmine settings:

it('has default timeout of 5000ms', function() {

it('can change the pretty printing limits', function() {

it('has its own jasmine.getEnv()', function() {

Stuff that came into being during the making of this post
Other interesting reads
  • 28 March 2023 : Updated to Jasmine 4.3.0.
Tags: tutorial testing