JavaScript RegExp Tutorial

JavaScript RegExp Tutorial

posted in javascript on  •  • last updated on

A cheat sheet for the regex syntax in JavaScript.

MDN RegExp Guide


/^$/.test(''); // boolean
'ok'.replace(/(o)(k)/g, '$2$1');
// Other replacements:
// $$ (literal), $& (all), $` (before), $' (after), $<name>

const matchG = 'aaa'.match(/a/g);
matchG == ['a', 'a', 'a'];

const matchNoG = 'str'.match(/(st)r/);
matchNoG == Object.assign(['str', 'st'], {groups: undefined, index: 0, input: 'str'});
matchNoG == /(st)r/.exec('str');

Common Usage

Define yourself a regex:

// Preferred way
const expressionLiteral = /\w+/;

// Only use this for dynamic patterns
const ctor = new RegExp('\\w+');



Returns true or false.

const didMatch = /a/.test('abc');



Without the g flag, only the first match is replaced. (which makes no difference in the example:)
ECMAScript2021 added replaceAll: you can now replace all occurences without using a regex.

'too  many  spaces'.replace(/  /g, ' ');
'too  many  spaces'.replaceAll('  ', ' ');
Replacement Description
$$ A literal $
$` Portion before the match
$' Portion after the match
$& The whole matched string
$n With n < 100: the nth captured group (!! 1 indexed !!)
$<Name> Named capturing group


match() with the g flag:


Returns null or all matches as a string[]. There is no captured group info.

const match = 'a_ab_a'.match(/a(b?)/g);
expect(match).toEqual(['a', 'ab', 'a']);

match() without the g flag:
Returns null or the first match and its capturing groups.
The result is an array with additional fields (groups, index and input). exec

(Hence the weird toEqual array syntax in the code below…)

const match = '0abaa'.match(/a(?<theB>b?)/);
    0: 'ab', // Entire matched string
    1: 'b',  // First captured group
    groups: {theB: 'b'}, // Results of named groups (ES2018)
    index: 1,
    input: '0abaa'

// Without the g flag, match behaves exactly like exec:
const exec = /a(?<theB>b?)/.exec('0abaa');



When you need the capturing groups of all matches, it’s exec to the rescue.

const globbing = /(a)(b2?)/g;
const input = 'ab_ab2';
// Indexes     0  3  

== Object.assign(['ab', 'a', 'b'], {index: 0});

== Object.assign(['ab2', 'a', 'b2'], {index: 3});

== null

RegExp.prototype.matchAll (ES2020)


Easier matching and grouping, plus avoiding the while loop necessary when using the “old” exec.

const regex = /(a)(b2?)/g; // TypeError when not g(lobal)!
const result = 'ab_ab2'.matchAll(regex);

for (const match of result) {
  // First match: ['ab', 'a', 'b', index: 0, input: 'ab_ab2', groups: undefined]
  // Second match: ['ab2', 'a', 'b2', index: 3, input: 'ab_ab2', groups: undefined]


const rl = /ab+c/i;
const rc = new RegExp('ab+c', 'i');

Available flags:

Flag Property Remarks StackOverflow
i .ignoreCase Case insensitive  
g .global Do not stop at first match but find all of them  
m .multiline ^ and $ match beginning/end of each line (otherwise of entire string) StackOverflow
s .dotAll . matches newlines. (ES2018)  
u .unicode /^.$/u.test('😀')  
v .unicodeSets /^\p{RGI_Emoji}$/v.test('👨‍👩‍👧‍👦') (ES2024)  
y .sticky Use .lastIndex to match at that specific index only (overwrites the g flag) StackOverflow
d .hasIndices Adds an indices property to the match object that contains the start/end indices of each capture group (2022)  
  .flags Returns a string with the active flags  


The v flag doesn’t just bring stuff like p{RGI_Emoji} but also extensions to character classes.
Checkout for a whole bunch of additional examples.

Substraction with --

// Only non-ascii numbers
/^[\p{Decimal_Number}--[0-9]]+$/v.test('012'); // false
/^[\p{Decimal_Number}--[0-9]]+$/v.test('١𝟜३'); // true

// Only consonants
/^[[a-z]--[aeoiu]]$/v.test('q'); // true

Intersection with &&

// Only Arabic numbers

// Only Greek letters
/[\p{Script=Greek}&&\p{Letter}]/v.test('λ'); // true
/[\p{Script=Greek}&&\p{Letter}]/v.test('΄') // false
/[\p{Script=Greek}]/v.test("΄"); // true

// Only ascii symbols
/[\p{Symbol}&&\p{ASCII}]/v.test('✓'); // false
/[\p{Symbol}]/v.test('✓'); // true

Less Common

const flags: string = /a/ig.flags; // "gi"
const src: string = /a/.source; // "a"

A more powerful version of indexOf. Returns -1 if no match.

const index: number = /a/.search('a');



Usually used in the form of something like 'a,b,c'.split(','). But also possible to split on regex matches.

// --> ['a', 'b', 'c']

// Wrap in parentheses to include the separator.
// --> ['a', ',', 'b', ';', 'c']



Used by exec, test, … with the global (g) flag and for any of the above functions when using the sticky (y) flag.

const input = 'aab';
const regex = /a/g;
regex.test(input); // Returns true. lastIndex is now 1
regex.test(input); // Returns true. lastIndex is now 2
regex.test(input); // Returns false. lastIndex is reset to 0

Stuff that came into being during the making of this post
Other interesting reads
  • 30 January 2025 : Added ES2024 //v flag (UnicodeSets)
  • 6 October 2023 : Added ES2020 & ES2021 RegExp enhancements
  • 22 May 2023 : RegExp.prototype.matchAll was added in ES2020
Tags: cheat-sheet regex