NSubstitute Tutorial

NSubstitute Tutorial

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The creators of NSubstitute craved a mocking framework with comparable capabilities to the alternatives but with a shorter, more succinct syntax. They have not failed to do so and I loved the NSubstitute syntax right away.

The examples assume

// Packages:
Install-Package NSubstitute
Install-Package NUnit

// Interface:
interface ICalculator
    int Add(int a, int b);
    int Divide(int n, int divisor, out float remainder);
    string Mode { get; set; }
    void SetMode(string mode);

Creating a substitute

// For an interface
ICalculator nsub = Substitute.For<ICalculator>();

// For a class
Calculator nsub = Substitute.For<Calculator>(ctorArg1, ctorArg2);

When substituting a class, only virtual/abstract members can be mocked.
There are generic overloads for up to three different types. When providing multiple types, max one class can be used. For more than three:

var sub = Substitute.For(
    new[] { typeof(IComparable), typeof(IDisposable), typeof(ICloneable), typeof(Calculator) },
    new object[] { /* ctor arguments for Calculator */ }

Matching arguments

// Arg.Any and fixed value
nsub.Add(Arg.Any<int>(), 5).Returns(10);
Assert.That(nsub.Add(999, 5), Is.EqualTo(10));

// Arg.Is: Fixed value and Predicate
nsub.Add(Arg.Is(1), Arg.Is<int>(x => x < 0)).Returns(5);
Assert.That(nsub.Add(1, -2), Is.EqualTo(5));

// First matcher still applies
Assert.That(nsub.Add(998, 5), Is.EqualTo(10));

// ReturnsForAnyArgs overwrites everything
nsub.Add(0, 0).ReturnsForAnyArgs(100);
Assert.That(nsub.Add(1, -2), Is.EqualTo(100));


Did receive calls:

// Methods
nsub.Add(0, 1);
nsub.Received().Add(0, 1);
nsub.ReceivedWithAnyArgs().Add(0, 0);

// Property Getter
string call = nsub.Mode;
string result = nsub.Received().Mode;

// Property Setter
nsub.Mode = "BIN";
nsub.Received().Mode = "BIN";

// Reset calls

// Verify with predicate
nsub.Add(0, 1);
nsub.Add(0, 2);
nsub.Add(0, 3);
nsub.Received(2).Add(Arg.Is(0), Arg.Is<int>(x => x <= 2));
// In this case the Arg.Is(0) is required by NSubstitute
// (providing 0 directly results in an AmbiguousArgumentsException)

Did not receive calls:

nsub.DidNotReceive().Add(Arg.Any<int>(), 9);

// The actual arguments to Add are simply ignored with DidNotReceiveWithAnyArgs
nsub.DidNotReceiveWithAnyArgs().Add(0, 0);

Providing values

Without setup the following is returned:

  • For primitives: default(int)
  • For strings: string.Empty
  • For IEnumerables: Enumerable.Empty<T>()
  • For interfaces: a Substitute.For<T>(), the same reference when called with the same arguments

When substituting a class, non-virtual methods returning an interface cannot be mocked and will return null.

Methods and properties

// Methods
nsub.Add(1, 3).Returns(4);
Assert.That(nsub.Add(1, 3), Is.EqualTo(4));
Assert.That(nsub.Add(1, 3), Is.EqualTo(4));

// Properties
nsub.Mode = "HEX";
Assert.That(nsub.Mode, Is.EqualTo("HEX"));

// Can also use the same syntax as for methods:
Assert.That(nsub.Mode, Is.EqualTo("DEC"));

// Provide multiple return values
nsub.Mode.Returns("DEC", "HEX", "BIN");
Assert.AreEqual("DEC", nsub.Mode);
Assert.AreEqual("HEX", nsub.Mode);
Assert.AreEqual("BIN", nsub.Mode);

// Multiple return values with a function
    x => "DEC",
    x => "HEX",
    x => throw new Exception()
Assert.AreEqual("DEC", nsub.Mode);
Assert.AreEqual("HEX", nsub.Mode);
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => { var result = nsub.Mode; });

For all of type

using NSubstitute.Extensions;

nsub.Add(1, 3).Returns(3);

Assert.That(nsub.Add(1, 3), Is.EqualTo(3));
Assert.That(nsub.Add(0, 9), Is.EqualTo(5));
Assert.That(nsub.Divide(0, 9, out float remainder), Is.EqualTo(5));

Out and ref

ref works in the same way as out.

nsub.Divide(12, 5, out float remainder).Returns((CallInfo callInfo) => {
  callInfo[2] = 0.4F; // [2] = 3th parameter = remainder
  return 2;

Assert.AreEqual(2, nsub.Divide(12, 5, out remainder));
Assert.AreEqual(0.4F, remainder);


using NSubstitute.ExceptionExtensions;

nsub.Add(1, 1).Throws(new Exception());
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => nsub.Add(1, 1));

nsub.When(x => x.SetMode("HEX")).Throw<Exception>();
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => nsub.SetMode("HEX"));

Side effect callbacks

Do something after Add was called.

int counter = 0;
    .Add(0, 0)
    .ReturnsForAnyArgs(x => 0)
    .AndDoes(x => counter++);

nsub.Add(7, 3);
nsub.Add(2, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(counter, 2);

Make voids do something:

bool called = false;
    .When(x => x.SetMode("HEX"))
    .Do(x => called = true);


Do something with arguments passed:

int argumentUsed = 0;
nsub.Add(10, Arg.Do<int>(x => argumentUsed = x));

nsub.Add(10, 42);
nsub.Add(11, 0); // does not overwrite argumentUsed because first arg is not 10

Assert.AreEqual(42, argumentUsed);

Less frequently used

Partial Class Substitution

public class SummingReader
    /// <summary>
    /// We will actually execute this
    /// </summary>
    public virtual int CalculateSum(string path)
        var s = ReadFile(path);
        return s.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).Sum();

    /// <summary>
    /// While substituting this behavior
    /// </summary>
    public virtual string ReadFile(string path)
        throw new Exception($"Actually attempted to access '{path}' on filesystem!");

// Tests:
var reader = Substitute.ForPartsOf<SummingReader>();

// Without Arg. matchers, the actual ReadFile will be executed
Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => reader.ReadFile("foo.txt").Returns("1,2,3"));

// The Arg.Is makes sure that ReadFile is not executed
int result = reader.CalculateSum("foo.txt");
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(6));

// Alternatively: Use DoNotCallBase to play it (a bit) safer.
// Make sure the ReadFile call won't call real implementation
reader = Substitute.ForPartsOf<SummingReader>();
reader.When(x => x.ReadFile("foo.txt")).DoNotCallBase(); // <-- Magic here
result = reader.CalculateSum("foo.txt");
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(6));

Provide values using CallInfo callback

    .Add(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<int>())
    .Returns((CallInfo callInfo) =>
        // Get argument value with indexer
        int firstArg = (int)callInfo[0];

        // By position
        int secondArg = callInfo.ArgAt<int>(1);

        // By type
        // Throws because there should be a Single parameter of the type
        Assert.Throws<AmbiguousArgumentsException>(() => callInfo.Arg<int>());

        // Get parameter type information
        Assert.That(callInfo.ArgTypes().First(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(int)));

        // Actual return value
        return firstArg + secondArg;

Assert.That(nsub.Add(1, 3), Is.EqualTo(4));



So I like NSubstitute. Like a lot. That’s it.

For more examples - as UnitTests - check the Github source.

Stuff that came into being during the making of this post
Tags: tutorial testing