Can you reset my mac

Recover your mac without password

Can you reset my mac

posted in dev-setup on  •   • 

A friend got himself a second-hand iMac but couldn’t log in because he didn’t have the Apple Account credentials.

Me with computer science degree as Jessica Jones and relative looking at me to fix their computer as Killgrave meme

Create them an account at, the shit already starts there, get ready to confirm the email once and your friends’ phone like, literally, a gazillion times.

The Steps

  • Turn on the iMac AND
  • Press and hold Command + R until it boots into Recovery Mode
  • Reinstall macOS

If that worked great! But it will probably fail with a 403 Forbidden when trying to download the OS.

  • Turn off
  • Turn on AND
  • Press and hold Command + S until it boots into a terminal
mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
shutdown -h now


At this point, you’re almost there!

You’ll probably get stuck when trying to accept the Terms & Conditions:

  • Go back
  • Do NOT login into your iCloud Apple Account
  • Accept the Terms & Conditions

Once in the OS, you can go to System > iCloud to login the Apple Account.
At that point you can also kill the old user.


Best not to tell anyone you are in IT 😃

Relatives asking if this is free tech support for live once I got my computer science degree meme

More memes!!

Kick-Ass movie meme: daughter asks can you fix my computern, Nicolas Cage shoots her in the next panel

Tags: tutorial