The itenium Slack Meme Bot® : Installation

Use your meme collection to liven op your Slack channel

The itenium Slack Meme Bot® : Installation

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You want to post memes to Slack but who has time for that?
Time to automate this to avoid scrolling through your entire collection whenever it is time to post one!

What it looks like

Example of a Slack Meme Bot posting


itenium-be/slack-meme-poster : Install your own Slack Meme Bot now!

  • A huge meme collection
  • Docker
  • Slack

That’s it, really!

Installation & Configuration

See for step by step instructions.

git clone
cd slack-meme-poster

# Configure Slack webhook etc
cp .env.sample .env

# Schedule meme-posting!
docker-compose up --build -d

The .env contains:

  • Location of your memes
    • Forbidden? chmod -R 755 memes_folder
  • The Slack WebHook url (see below for instructions)
  • Cron expression
    • The default will post a meme once every friday
    • Let the configure this for you

Slack WebHook Setup

Get yourself a Slack WebHook url, which looks like this:

Follow their official instructions:

  • Create An App
  • Features > Incoming Webhooks
    • Activate Incoming Webhooks
    • Add New Webhook to Workspace
    • Copy the url!

Activating Slack Webhook

Tags: product fun